
Wow. It's been awhile!

IT'S A GIRL!!! Let me just go right ahead and get that out of the way. We found out on June 30th, which just so happens to be my mother's birthday. The name had been decided on even before we knew the gender, and her full name will be Gracelynn Kay but we're calling her "Gracie" for short.
She has picked up on her activity over the last month or so, and my appetite that somehow vanished at the beginning of pregnancy seems to be stronger now than before I was pregnant. I feel like I'm eating non-stop!
My blood glucose tolerance test, I found out today, came back normal. No gestational diabetes for me! Woo hoo!

We still have done absolutely nothing by way of the nursery. Maybe after I graduate on Saturday I'll be bored enough to do something. Heh.


So, in 2 days....

Bryan and I will know if we're having a boy or girl. Because I'm one of those people who just can't wait until the last minute....I decided (for both of us, hehe) that we would have the names ready when we found out the sex. I'm kind of tired of referring to the baby as "it" or "the baby" or, my favorite, "the alien". (only kidding!).

We decided on Gracelynn Kay (which has been the baby girl name from Day One) and James Wyatt for a boy, who will just be called Wyatt. We tried Wyatt James, but it just didn't seem to flow right with our last name. We also thought about Caleb James, but I wasn't 100% on that one. What we did was I made a list of boy names, and made Bryan pick eight of those. Well, he came back with seven....so I took two pieces of paper and wrote all seven names on each sheet. Then I gave him a sheet, kept the other one myself, and told him to cross out the four names he liked the least. I also crossed off mine. I ended up with 3 names....Brayden, Caleb, and Wyatt. Bryan ended up with Caleb, Jacob, and Wyatt. I told him to circle the two he liked the BEST....and I did the same. We both circled Caleb and Wyatt, which Bryan's mom found VERY interesting. Now suddenly I'm thinking it should be Caleb Wyatt instead of James Wyatt....LOL!

In two days, we'll know whether the search for a baby boy name was really necessary. whispers I think it's a girl, but we'll see......


In less than one month.....

I will know the sex of the baby. I had my most recent doctor's appointment a few days ago, where he let me hear the baby's heartbeat (137 bpm) after the stubborn little tyke took 10 minutes for the nurse to locate. Apparently, someone was playing hide and seek.

June 23rd is the actual day I find out if it's a boy or girl, and Bryan and I have to stop ourselves (okay, I pretty much just have to stop myself) from buying any clothes until we know for sure what we're having.


So we're almost to the halfway mark....

And by that, I mean I'm almost four and a half (does that really count?) months along in this exciting journey that is pregnancy. I've had some weird things happening to my body lately, mainly the "somebody-just-kicked-me-in-the-stomach" feeling also known as the expansion of the stomach that essentially is a result of the growing baby. I haven't outgrown my old clothes quite yet, but I've noticed a bulg in the middle of my stomach and that butterfly-fluttering is still happening down in the lower part of my stomach.

I had my first ultrasound back in April, which was the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen, although I'm sure once the baby is bigger when the ultrasound is done in June I can stop referring to it as "the baby" and actually call it by it's official name. Heh.

That's it for now, more later.


Please check out this website:


Wow. It's been almost a full month since my last post! There are suddenly babies all around. I found out yesterday that one of Bryan's co-workers (we've hung out with him and his wife numerous times) had her baby yesterday. She had a baby boy, that's all I know so far. Then they induced a co-worker of mine this morning, and she had a healthy baby boy @ 8 lbs, 2 oz. and I believe they named him Dalton Christopher. They were still deciding last I heard, so I'm not positive.

I go on April 21st to hear the baby's heartbeat via ultrasound, and I've been doing reading on something called "quickening" because my mother is telling me I've lost my mind. Apparently some women can feel movement as early as 9 weeks, and for the past several days I've had what feels like butterflies running loose in the lower left part of my stomach/abdomen. It only happens in the morning, and more often after I've eaten something. Still, mom thinks I need a CAT scan. What does she know anyway? Pffffft.

Nothing new to report other than that. We - meaning Bryan - wants a boy, but I think we're getting a girl. I told him last night I dreamt we had twins, and he was way excited until I told him it was 2 girls. "Oh GAWD!" were his exact words.

He makes fun of the fact that I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee. He's going to get what's coming to him. Just wait and see. Tee hee.


Well, if you couldn't have guessed.......

by the new blog title, Life as a Newlywed just became The Pregnant Life! Bryan and I just discovered last Thursday, officially, after two HPTs that we're going to have a new member in the household in about 8 months. Needless to say we're excited, and I'm so excited I'm going to share this information with you as we move along! This week is actually week #5 for me in pregnancy terms, so I'm five weeks along and according to babycenter.com, the baby is about the size of a sesame seed. And THAT is pretty dang small!

So while you're here reading all about the wonderful joys of pregnancy (should I be plagued by morning sickness, I'll omit the gorey details), check out a few of my favorite websites:

Name Miranda's baby!

Be sure to come back for updates!